Continuous Value Delivery

Our Continuous Value Delivery (CVD) program…

provides custom-designed project management services to meet the unique needs of nonprofits worldwide! Typically, we support short-term engagements no less than 1 week and not greater than 3 months.

Nonprofit Testimonial

WETATi participated in the Washington, D.C., Regional Project Management Day of Service® for the first time in 2021 and then received support through PM4Change’s CVD program. That was the beginning of a strong and productive partnership between PM4Change and WETATi.

Information for Nonprofits

For Free? What’s the catch?

That’s the beauty of it... there is no catch. We do it because we are committed to helping nonprofits help our communities all over the world.

How to Get Started

Contact us using the form below and we will reach out to you to schedule a virtual meeting for an initial needs assessment.  

Once we have completed the needs assessment and verified the suitability of CVD to meet your needs, we will build a team to support you and assign a Team Lead.

The Team Lead will schedule a kickoff meeting to discuss your project and establish the parameters of the engagement (duration, ways of working together, etc.).

Information for Volunteers

How You Can Make a Difference

If you are a professional project manager or a subject matter expert in a related field (e.g., marketing, finance, technology, etc.), then you can volunteer to be part of the CVD program.

How to Volunteer

Contact us using the form below and let us know that you are interested in providing pro bono support to nonprofits. We will respond and schedule a meeting to understand your skills and availability, so that you can be matched to a team for supporting a nonprofit which desires CVD support.

Time Commitment

The time commitment required for supporting a CVD engagement varies based on the nonprofit’s needs and the team of volunteers assigned to it. Be sure to let us know about your availability when you sign up!

Contact Us

If you are interested in discussing how CVD can help your nonprofit or
if you are a project manager or other subject matter expert interested in participating on a CVD team to help a nonprofit have greater impact